
1D985 is a generative system created by artist Raven Kwok in 2021. It is a continuation of 189D0 (2016) in terms of its core algorithm and visual style. K-D tree structure is used to replace the quadtree frame in the original work. All leaf nodes throughout different recursion levels are applied with their respective transformation matrices, adding to the final visual complexity.

1D985 is later used in 2022 to generate the animation used in the Netflix documentary A Trip to Infinity, in which Kwok is invited to participate in production. Specifically, the system is used to visualize the Big Bang Computation concept narrated by the cosmologist Janna Levin.

1D985 is further revised in 2024, and is developed into an audiovisual experience in collaboration with the music producer 3ASiC. The audiovisual version is debuted at UFO Terminal as part of the “Loading…Access” Exhibition. Kwok programmed a customized projection matrix which reverses the scaling along x axis to optimize the viewing experience within the cylinder LED wall environment.

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