
Created in Nov.2013

Originally featured in the demonstration of Competition for ECO1B5F1 was a quadrilateral “creature” in my Algorithmic Menagerie. Based on a recursive quad-tree, its subdivision rule is much simpler than its “competitor” 1B8AD.

In Feb.2014, as a sonification experiment for my master thesis show Algorithmic Menagerie in late March at EMPAC, my colleague K. Michael Fox and I worked on bridging Processing and Super Collider through OSC Protocol, and used 1B5F1 as a sample to test with various ways mapping audio and visual data.



To open up more possibilities, I re-developed the structure of 1B5F1, also extended its functionality and complexity. As a result, now the creature’s body consists of two separate substructures. One is a filament structure with each unit remains parallel to others. A corresponding natural reference is Anabaena (see the image below), which could also be visualized using DOL-System (Deterministic Context-free System) introduced by Aristid Lindenmayer and Premyslaw Prusinkiewicz.

via Soft-Bodied Stream Algae of California

Growth Model for the Blue-Green Alga Anabaena catenula via Wolfram Demonstrations Project


The other substructure remains the same as how it was initially. That is, each unit being nested under its parental unit while having four descendants and three peers, which is neither purely parallel nor hierarchical.

The following 6 animated GIFs show different stages of my re-development on 1B5F1.

Bone Segments Replication

Bone Segments with Outer Shell (Catmull-Rom splines) Replication

Bone Segments with Subdivided Quadrilaterals Nested

Integrated Growth Pattern #01

Integrated Growth Pattern #02

Integrated Growth Pattern #03

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